One of our eagle eyed Landscapers noticed the trail this morning and went the extra mile by going around the whole house checking for more of them and then letting us know that we had a problem.
As God would have it, this gentleman lives just a few streets away and has recently had the same problem so he knew just what to look for. As an added bonus, he was able to put my mind at ease almost immediately by reminding me that as far as termites are concerned, we're still under the Builder's warranty and the treatment will be covered.
What at first seemed like bad news, in the end turned out to be good news. The problem seems to have been caught early AND is under warranty. It seems like such a small thing but it filled me with profound sense of gratitude and I was reminded of Isaiah 52:7:
"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news..."
Now to call the bug guys.
ugh!!! Hate hate hate bugs in the house... outside they are fine.. but anything in the house is no bueno!!